Super Purity Synthetic Diamond Micron Powder
Author:liliang Time:2019-01-22 14:07:10
Main Types of Our Diamond Powder:
(1). LMR--- Normal Diamond Powder.
Mainly Used for Resin Tools, Resin Grinding Wheels, and Other General Applications in Processing Area such as Stone, Glass, Ceramics, and oother Industries.
(2). LMF/LMF+---High Finess and Super Fineess with High Strength Diamond Powder.
Suitable for Polishing all Kinds of Precision Devices, like: Electroplated, Ceramic Tools and Sapphire, etc.
(3). LMP/LMP+---High Purity and Super Purity with High Strength Diamond Powder.
Mainly Used for PCD and PDC, etc.
(4). RVD---Diamond Grains for Resin and Vitrified Bond.
It is Suitable for Making Resin Bond Diamond Tools, also for Rough Grinding.
(5). LP---Polycrystalline Diamond Powder.
Suitable for Processing of Silicon Chip, Sapphire, Recision Ceramics, Optical Lenses, Optical Fiber Communications, etc.
(6). Coated Diamond Powder.
Diamond Powder are Coated by Nickel (Ni), Titanium (Ti), Copper (Cu), which can Improve the Retention and Reduce Heat Damage for Longer Service Life.